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#EBCShareTheLove Week 2014!

Welcome to Eastside Baby Corner’s Share the Love Week 2014!

Every day this week we will be sharing the unique stories from different friends of EBC including: donors, providers, volunteers, fans and staff members about why they love our organization.  We welcome you to join us and get in on the fun of Share the Love Week!

Share the Love Week 2014

Here are some of the responses we got last year during Share the Love Week:

  • “Our volunteers Make it Happen!  We help bring community together to help provide a bridge to children and families.  It teaches my Cub Scouts the value of giving back.”
    – Renee Zimmerman,  Longtime EBC supporter and EBC’s Executive Director
  • “We love EBC because of the outstanding service it provides to local families and because of the opportunity it gives our students and families to help make a difference.”
                                – Kirkland Children’s School
  • “I love Eastside Baby Corner for the hope it brings families and the help it provides so children and families can thrive. The best part is all the amazing volunteers who make it happen week after week.”
                                – Sara Needleman-Carlton, EBC Volunteer
  • “Eastside Baby Corner, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways… I love the mission (We help kids THRIVE!), I love the donors (thank you for bags of stuff!); I love the volunteers (thank you for your time!) and I love what we can accomplish together… it takes many dedicated people working together to sort and organize and sort and organize and, get the picture? We couldn’t reach 500 children on a weekly basis without your dedication. Thank you!”
          – Madeline Fish, Volunteer/Program Manager
  • “I love Eastside Baby Corner because with so little overhead they do amazing things in the community thanks to their awesome volunteers! Its always fun there!”
                                – Brandi Fields, EBC Volunteer and Supporter
  • “Love EBC for the awesome and dedicated staff and volunteers who ensure that low income kids have what they need to thrive!”
                                – Liz Swanson, EBC Board President

Want to participate?
It’s fun and easy to share why YOU love EBC, a few ideas include:
Don’t forget to tag us in your posts/photo’s on
Facebook and Twitter and use the hashtag #EBCShareTheLove. 

  • Take a photo of yourself holding a sign about why you love EBC and post it online. 
  • Leave a comment on our blog, Facebook or Twitter accounts about what EBC means to you.
  • Send us an email about what EBC means to you.
  • Retweet and/or Share the stories we post during the week using #EBCShareTheLove
  • Have other ideas!?!  Feel free to jump right in and add your own.

Stop by tomorrow to see who we spotlight first!