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Why does our staff love EBC? [#EBCShareTheLove]

Welcome to the first official day of Share the Love Week 2014!  Today we’re sharing why our staff loves the mission of Eastside Baby Corner.

EBC is run by a dedicated team of AMAZING VOLUNTEERS who over the last 24 years have donated endless hours of love to the children we serve.  Those volunteers are supported by a very lean team of staff members.  Our staff members are on hand to help our volunteers achieve the goal EBC set in 1990 of helping children thrive.

Share the Love Week (Mon 2)

Pictured Above: Helen Banks Routon and Madeline Fish

“I love EBC for its infinite amount of volunteer energy and love poured into the heartbeat of this organization by our community.  I also love my dedicated staff that give every ounce of their energy to deliver our lofty mission each and every day.  I’m honored to be a part of this treasured organization!”
                                – Renee Zimmerman, Executive Director

“I love EBC because we give kids what they need…when they need it.”
Helen Banks Routon, Director of Development and Community Relations

“I love EBC because we help children + families thrive!” 
Madeline Fish, Volunteer/Program Manager

“I love that we guarantee we will have a safe car seat for a child to ride in, the exact formula a child needs to grow and diapers to keep little ones clean and happy!”
                               – Cori Benson, Community Engagement Coordinator

“I love EBC because we have a very dedicated group of staff and volunteers that are committed to serving children in need!”
                               – Sheila Ritchie, Development Associate

I love knowing that I’m helping kids where I live, have the things I wanted my own kids to have.”
Tracy Bury, Development Assistant

“I love that EBC has such a great staff, wonderful volunteers and we are able to help so many kids!”
                               – Amy Jones, Saturday Supervisor


Share the Love Week 2014

Want to participate? It’s fun and easy to share why YOU love EBC, a few ideas include:
Don’t forget to tag us in your posts/photo’s on Facebook and Twitter and use the hashtag #EBCShareTheLove.

  • Take a photo of yourself holding a sign about why you love EBC and post it online.

  • Leave a comment on our blog, Facebook or Twitter accounts about what EBC means to you.

  • Send us an email about what EBC means to you.

  • Retweet and/or Share the stories we post during the week using #EBCShareTheLove

  • Have other ideas!?!  Feel free to jump right in and add your own.